Welcome to our website. We hope you enjoy browsing through the information we have provided about our friendly and welcoming school. This website aims to give you a taste of the school, as well as providing updated information for both parents and pupils.
We hope the site will also be of interest to prospective parents and those who wish to find out more about the school prior to a ‘real life’ visit. If you would like any further information about the school, please do not hesitate to contact us, where our Reception Office staff, Ms Overgaard or Mrs Marock will respond to your query in the first instance. We would be delighted to hear from you.
The Orchards School Values
The Orchards School is a safe, caring environment where all members of our community are encouraged to trust, flourish and grow.
We enjoy exploring new ideas collaboratively in a mutually respective engaging setting, in pursuit of excellence, achievement, and pride
The Orchards School is a welcoming, friendly school where staff, children, parents and governors work together, enabling everyone to do their best. We are always pleased to talk to parents and visitors about the life and work of the school. Please contact the office if you would like to visit.
I truly feel that The Orchards is such a special place to learn and grow. We are proud of our school and its wonderful grounds and have high expectations for every child. At The Orchards, we believe that children are born with a passion for enquiry and a desire to attain, and we continuously aspire to engage and expand these appetites within a welcoming, purposeful and creative environment. Our pupils demonstrate kindness, compassion, and a wonderfully inquisitive nature, as they encompass their own growth mindset through the Power of Yet! Here, we do not see potential as ‘finite’ and something to be ‘fulfilled’, but instead as an ever-growing target that adapts and evolves with each individual. Together, The Orchards’ dedicated staff strive to make connections with children, to help them feel valued, accepted, and safe. Our Orchards’ Values of Pride, Enjoyment, Achievement and Respect are woven through every aspect of our school and continue to guide our mission to help each individual child develop a love of learning and to cultivate and explore their own interests in a secure and challenging environment.
Driven by our school motto ‘Flourish and Grow’; through our engaging curriculum, we ensure that our children develop high aspirations and have memorable experiences. Children should be curious and passionate about their learning, and we strongly believe in ensuring that they receive a well-rounded curriculum where individual talents can be identified and nurtured. The school converted to academy status on the 1st April 2021; we are proud to be a part of The Black Pear Trust and feel we stand as a testament to their motto of Growing Excellent Learning Communities Together.
The Orchards School is a community where staff, parents and pupils work together to build mutual respect. Through this, we can trust each other and support the children in establishing a sense of responsibility and pride in themselves and their school. To this end, children are expected to attend, follow behaviour expectations, and wear correct uniform at all times. We firmly believe that education is a partnership between home and school, and we value your input, interest and support. Whilst this website will give you information about our school, the staff and the many activities that our children enjoy through our curriculum and the extra-curricular activities that we provide, it will not answer all of your queries. Nor can it truly convey the welcoming atmosphere, hum of purposeful engagement or wonder of new discoveries made, that a personal tour would encompass. It is only by exploring our learning environments and experiencing ‘The Orchards ambiance’ for yourself that you will truly be able to judge whether this is an environment for you and your child. Please do contact us, to arrange your own personal tour where we will be delighted to show you around and answer any further questions you may have. We hope to see you soon.
Mrs Rumney
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