Welcome to Year 2! Our two classes are 2H and 2D, The children in 2H are taught by Mrs Houghton with Mrs Breakwell and Miss Cartwright and 2D Mr Downes with Miss Danks and Miss Brazell.
In Year 2, we love learning and discovering new things. During our day, we enjoy sharing stories, working as a team and exploring and expanding our learning.
As the oldest children in KS1, we know how important it is to model good behaviour to all.
Useful Links
What are suffixes? – BBC Bitesize
Parent video: How to say the sounds – YouTube
Oxford Owl
Number Fact Families – Topmarks
Hit the Button – Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (topmarks.co.uk)
Purple Mash
Science Fun at Home – Primary Science Teaching Trust (pstt.org.uk)