Our Teachers

Rachel Yates
Class Teacher

Samina Ahmed-Khan
Class Teacher

Rachel James
Teaching Assistant

Peter Jones
Teaching Assistant

Tracey Truman
Teaching Assistant

Diane Moss
Teaching Assistant
In Reception we are a very busy bunch, learning and exploring through our play, both inside and outside.
In the middle of our morning, we all stop for our daily phonics sessions, following the ‘Read Write Inc’ programme. We split off into groups and learn new sounds, practise our ‘Fred talk’ and write the letter shapes and sentences. We love to use our ‘Fred fingers’ to sound out words and write them down. We are great at using ‘Fred in our head’ to read the words. We practise ‘holding a sentence’ and use our fingers to count how many words we need to write down. Children practise their reading within phonics and we ask that they practise reading at home too! Please remember to bring bookbags in every day so that your child can change their book regularly.
We love learning how to talk about and explain our maths learning. We can use practical resources, models, drawing numbers and shapes to explore our learning. We compare, order and make numbers within twenty. We can count how many altogether and how many are left using our early addition and subtraction skills. We love problem solving; for example, sharing, doubling and halving using our stories to help our book characters (the minibeasts). We learn the vocabulary to talk about the events within our day and we sequence the days of the week and months of the year using songs and chants. We love using our large outdoor area to help us with our maths learning, including our role-play shop to explore money and the sand, water and mud kitchen area to investigate capacity and measures. Maths concepts are introduced in our adult-led groups and explored further within our play in all areas.